ie6 PNG fix for CSS background images
Recently i just gone through this excellent script for png fix for ie6, even png images declared in css background. All you have to do is add these below to lines between tags. <!–[if...
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Recently i just gone through this excellent script for png fix for ie6, even png images declared in css background. All you have to do is add these below to lines between tags. <!–[if...
Write the below function first: jQuery.fn.fadeToggle = function(speed, easing, callback) { return this.animate({opacity: ‘toggle’}, speed, easing, callback); }; After that you can do as usual like: $(“.main”).click(function () { $(“.child”).fadeToggle(“slow”); });
Trim your .php extension in your web application using .htaccess RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^$ index.php RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9\-\_/]*)/$ $1/index.php RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9\-\_/]*)$ $1.php
How to remove dotted border in firefox? After the long search process i found the solution for this. It’s very simple add these below style in your css. a:focus { outline: none; }
To convert font size from Pixels to em just divide by 16 Pixels Points Percentage Ems 9px 7pt 55% 0.55em 10px 7.5pt 62.5% 0.625em 11px 8pt 70% 0.7em 12px 9pt 75% 0.75em 13px 10pt...
OpenID users be careful, while using OpenID. Because OpenID is designed for user can login using single ID for sign in multiple websites, but the thing is OpenId user always sign in using the...
Once I tried to insert a huge MySQL database (150MB) to my website via phpMyAdmin. Oops, My hosting company provide only 2MB to upload via phpMyAdmin. Then I have given the request to my...
We are using lots of tools to optimize or resizing the image. Microsoft introduced the Powertoy plugin for windows xp. With the help of this tool we can easily resize.
some of the document types created with Microsoft office will not open in lower versions of office bundles, if you faced those type of issue download and install this patch provided by microsoft will...
ISTQB Sample Question Paper Dump 1 ISTQB Sample Question Paper Dump 2 ISTQB Sample Question Paper Dump 3 ISTQB Sample Question Paper Dump 4 ISTQB Sample Question Paper Dump 5 ISTQB Sample Question Paper...